We are proud of our village in Shadwell and invite you to explore these pages. Better still, come and visit us sometime to see our achievements created over the last few years.
The purpose of Shadwell in Bloom is to improve the social and physical environment of the area in which we live and to create a more picturesque Village.
Much of the work is done by loyal and hard working volunteers who contribute to the planning of future development work, and some are involved in bed design.
SIB much regretted the loss of the Shadwell Flower Show in August and will fully support efforts for its future reinstatement.
SIB is much involved in works not involving flower beds at all. Here for example, Shadwell Primary School has benefited from our re-fencing of their roadside boundary, fencing off of the pre-school bungalow area and in 2021 the constuction of nearby flower beds to add to those of the main school area. The SIB constructed school allotment areas are soon to be refurbished with newly designed contact beds. The Shadwell allotments were created by our volunteers and the maintenance of the nearby Recreation Hut areas including mains water supply are within our work schedule. There are similar histories for our work at Holywell Park, Dan Quarry, Shadwell Library and the Village Hall.
The Garden of Remembrance at the Churchyard is now maintained by St Paul's Church. For details of the establishment of the garden via the efforts of Celia Wroe and Richard Wells see the Churchyard page.
Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or use the specific addresses given for us individually within the website.
For those already on Facebook use the link : https://m.facebook.com/
Our twitter is at https://twitter.com/ShadwellinBloom .
The Shadwell Community Group can likewise be found via https://www.facebook.com/groups/865567807291229
and Shadwell Litter Pickers are on https://www.facebook.com/groups/1177764609329760